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Upgrades and Installations

Rs. 0 per visit
      1. Hardware Upgrades:

        • Installing new components:
          • RAM (Random Access Memory)
          • SSDs (Solid State Drives)
          • Graphics cards
          • Peripherals (e.g., external drives, monitors)
      2. Software Installations:

        • Setting up and configuring:
          • New operating systems (OS)
          • Applications (software suites, productivity tools)
          • Drivers (for hardware compatibility)
      3. Compatibility Testing:

        • Ensuring compatibility between:
          • New components and existing hardware
          • New software and operating systems
      4. Performance Optimization:

        • Maximizing efficiency and capability through:
          • Tailored hardware upgrades
          • Optimized software configurations
          • Fine-tuning settings for improved speed and functionality

      These services aim to extend the lifespan of computers and laptops while enhancing their capabilities to meet evolving user needs in terms of speed, functionality, and overall performance.


      ( For Payment : We will take a initial payment before the work is done. After evaluating the whole work ,our service provider will give you the final cost detail of the complete work & then you can further proceed for final payment .)