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Maintenance and Tune-up

Rs. 0 per visit
      1. System Cleaning: Removing dust and debris from hardware components to prevent overheating.
      2. Software Updates: Installing the latest updates for operating systems and applications to ensure security and performance.
      3. Performance Optimization: Running diagnostics and optimizing settings for faster boot times and improved system responsiveness.
      4. Virus and Malware Checks: Scanning for and removing any malicious software that could affect performance.
      5. Backup Solutions: Setting up regular data backups to protect against data loss.

      These services are essential for maintaining the functionality, security, and longevity of computer systems.

      ( For Payment : We will take a initial payment before the work is done. After evaluating the whole work ,our service provider will give you the final cost detail of the complete work & then you can further proceed for final payment .)